Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What are my Tooth Replacement Options?

Damaged or missing teeth can affect your life in a number of ways including your diet, appearance, and speech, but you don't have to live with these problems. If you have one or more severely damaged or missing teeth, you may benefit from dentures, a bridge, or dental implants.

Fixed Bridge

A fixed bridge is a restoration that fills a gap where a tooth is missing, and is attached to the teeth on each side of the gap. Restorations can be made from ceramic, metal, or a combination of the two. They look, feel, and function very similar to natural teeth, and they're permanently fixed in place, and therefore don't need separate care.

Removable Dentures

Dentures are dental appliances that restore several teeth—part of an arch, or a full arch. Removable dentures are those that can be removed from the mouth for cleaning. Typically made from a combination of ceramic and plastic, they're usually the least expensive option for restoration to offer an affordable way to care for your dentition. Since they're not permanently attached they require the use of grip adhesive to stay in place that may restriction some foods that are difficult to eat.

Dental Implants

Implants—titanium screws placed in the jaw bone—can be used to provide permanent support for a single restoration, a bridge, or even a set of full or partial dentures. Dental implants are a superior choice for restoration in many respects, because they most closely mimic the structure and function of natural teeth, they last a long time, and they prevent long term problems such as tooth “drift”. However, getting implants requires a certain minimum level of jaw bone density, and some people therefore aren't good candidates for the procedure.

Why Get Restorations?

There's always the option to do nothing, of course—to simply not have broken or missing teeth restored. There are some problems with that option, however, and missing teeth can impact on daily life in many ways. Your diet can be affected as well as your long-term oral health because damaged teeth are more vulnerable to infection and decay. Depending on which teeth are damaged or missing, your speech may even be affected, and over time, tooth loss can make you appear older than you really are.

Then there's the big self-confidence boost you get from knowing that your teeth are healthy and look great. When your teeth look good you feel better about smiling, and you do it more often—so getting restorations definitely gives you something to smile about!

Contact Grandon Village Dental Office for more information on tooth restorations or to schedule an appointment.


  1. As I was going through this article, you have given the desired information on how to keep teeth stronger for a long duration. I am further looking forward to read your articles. If you face any dental problem, I can recommend you http://www.prudentalclinic.com it provides world class dental services.

  2. My grandfather has lost all his teeth and now he has difficulty in eating his meals. He doesn’t want to have dental implants so I would like to suggest him getting Removable Dentures. I am sure he would get ready for that. I will consult my family dentist Torrance quite soon.
